Thursday, October 8, 2009


I am confident in beauty and outgoing just a tad.
I wonder if I'll ever find my night in shining armor,
I hear the applaud of a job well done.
I see the star winking and the moon smiling at me,
I want to be wild and free.
I am confident in beauty and outgoing just a tad.

I pretend I am a pirate pillaging and plundering into the night.
I feel the urge of an adventure waiting for me to fight.
I yearn to be loved more deeply,
I worry for my friends across the sea.
I cry in happy times and in sad.
I am confident in beauty and outgoing just a tad.

I understand I will never be perfect,
I say I will perfect my ways.
I dream of achieving an Oscar for a wonderful performance of a wonderful tale.
I try to be a Christian but sometimes I fail.
I hope my future won't be all bad,
I am confident in beauty and outgoing just a tad.
(junior year, 2005)


  1. What a way to start! I stopped attempting to write poetry in my second year at varsity after getting the results of that wretched class, but never ceased to enjoy reading what others have to offer. Nicely done :)

  2. I decided to check you out. Thanks for becoming a follower of my insanity too! Great poem. I've always wanted to be able to write poetry!

  3. thank you ladies! I'm not saying I am good at it but I do it.
